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Dazed and Confused?
You love astrology, but where do you begin?

1. Kick the "Astrology junk food" habit .
If you are ever going to learn astrology correctly, you must be willing to go deeper than the latest "shiny object" put forth by the latest "YouTube genius".  We live in a "snacking culture", with astrology junk food replacing authentic teaching and truth.
2. The age of "Misinformation".
We have all the information we could want, but how much of it is authentic? It is not only the age of information, it is the "age of misinformation". Crazy and weird theories about the zodiac, the misapplication of basic principles and so much more threaten to undermine the integrity of astrology and other sacred teachings. 
3. You need "a system", not more data.
 True sciences are systematic in nature. But astrology is not taught that way. Instead, it is often a bunch of disconnected sentences, just the data points, with no organizing structure or system. Vedic astrology can be learned systematically like any other science. I know, because I have trained more than 250 students over the last five years.
4. Complexity stacked on shaky ground.
 But the more you study, the less you know! Does this sound familiar? When you piled more complexity on  shaky ground, you just create a mess. This is why when you try to talk about astrology, you sound strange and uninformed – you may even embarrass yourself! But that's okay, all you need is a good system and you'll be set. You'll know what you're saying and how to help people.
5. Don't trust me? Good, but verify yourself. 
 I never asked people to "believe me". I invite them to get the free videos and teachings, they see the results for themselves. To make sure to give your name and email address, watch the videos, but then be really honest with yourself. If you see this is something valuable, that can shift your life and perhaps the lives of others, invest in it.

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